to jbrownco.net
J Brown & Company
1390 Giles Rd.
Monroe, GA 30655
Hours M-F, 8-5
Graphic Design
Logo Design
A company image is usually formed around the logo. We can help you to redefine your image or create a completely new one. Like all design projects, the most important is to iron out the design goals before ever putting any ideas/designs together. What should your logo say about your company? What colors best suit your identity? What design ideas should be avoided?
These are questions that can help get the design exactly right. It's not enough to be an exceptionally skillful graphic designer. For the project to be a success, effective communication about your goals, wants, and needs, have to come first and play a major role in the design. Our work is not complete until you're happy.
If you're planning on designing a new logo, please consider contacting us to discuss. No obligations. 770-266-5849 or email
Some Logo Design Examples
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